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A to Z Challenge – Day 13: M is for Magic

Hi all,

Running a bit late again today – oops, so this will just be a short one! Today, though M is for Magic 🙂

I love the idea of magic, when I was a kid all the stories I loved were about wizards, witches, fairies and other magical creatures – I used to write stories at school where people were sent to magical worlds and met strange creatures. When I got older I moved onto fantasy books, sticking with the theme and I still love them today, along with ‘urban fantasy’. Most of the books I write have some element of magic or the paranormal, though usually set in the modern world. After all, there’s something very appealing about the idea that there might really be so much more to this world than we realise 🙂

I think that’s probably one of the things that attracts me to romance writing as well – the fact that a love-story has it’s own kind of magic. It’s two people fighting their own battles and their own inner demons in order to be able to find their ‘happy-after-after’. If we can’t find fairies at the bottom of the garden then we can find our own magic in the world around us.

If nothing else there’s surely magic in the opening of a book, the ability to be transported to another place, another time, another world. The chance to hear words from someone who we have never met, or who may be long gone, but still feel a connection to them purely from the words they’ve left written down. It’s a wonderful thing 🙂

Take care x

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